Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Main Aspects of Criminal Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Main Aspects of Criminal Law - Case Study Example Woollin). Subjective recklessness is found when the defendant is aware of the risk involved with his action, but still does the act. (R v. Cunningham1982 AC 566)(Smith & Hogan, 2006) The possible issues in the instance of Seema are possible criminal liability flowing from the death of Derek and the defenses which she might claim in reducing her criminal liability if proved. Moving on the mistake of Dr. Wisdom and the possibility of the breaking of chain of causation will be considered. Finally the act of Arun will be considered and the subsequent death of Dr. Ali will be considered. The actus reus of murder is still found in the wording of Sir Edward Coke, which is that the actus reus is present when the defendant "unlawfully killeth any reasonable creature in rerum natura under the Queen's peace' (Smith and Hogan, 1983) The requirement that the killing is lawful is an important aspect and so certain killings which may be as a result of use of reasonable force in self defense may be excluded (Re A 2000 4 All ER 961). Further it is necessary that the defendant accelerated the death of the victim.(Justis) The mens rea or mental element is known by the term malice aforethought and it is general to state that an intention to cause grievous bodily harm will suffice for murder. (Vickers 1957 2 QB 664)(Koenig, 2007) By the facts it can be stated that the actus reus and mens rea can be presumed by the fact that Seema finds the knife and stabs Derek. However the defense of provocation and diminished responsibility may be raised to get a verdict of voluntary manslaughter. Provocation was a common law defense which has been modified by s.3 of the homicide Act 1957. The two tier questions which must be satisfied have a subjective as well as an objective element. First it must be found that did the defendant, as a result of provocation, lose his or her self control (subjective element) and would a reasonable man have done as the defendant did (Objective Element). The elements are decided upon by the jury. (Smith & Hogan, 11th Edition) The subjective question is purely a matter of fact and requires a sudden and temporary loss of control along with cumulative provocation and that the loss of self control must be as a result of provocation. There must be a loss of self control as a result of the provocation and so the defence will not be available where it is found that it was a calculated revenge. The classic formulation can be found in Duffy [1949] where it was stated that the sudden and temporary loss of self control made the defendant at that moment not master of his mind. However in Richens it was stated that the defendant only required proof that he was unable to restrain himself from committing the act. The longer the time interval the higher the chance of
Monday, October 28, 2019
Students Internet Essay Example for Free
Students Internet Essay The Positives and Negatives of the Increased Use of The Internet for Students The Internet is a very powerful resource that provides people with access to a world of information quickly and easily. Since its introduction it has been a valuable learning tool for students and have revolutionized the teaching and learning experience. One of the advantages of the Internet for students is that it provides them with a research tool that is more quickly and efficiently able to access numerous information and media sources. Providing this information is used appropriately it can provide them with learning experiences that they could not have quickly accessed in a traditional library setting. The Internet also allows students to network with experts and with one another. Through this mechanism they are able to ask one another questions, share knowledge and ideas and consult practitioners to learn what they need. On the negative side the internet has created an opportunity for students to access sources that of information that may not always be accurate and therefore may misguide their learning. In addition to this students may be tempted to pass work they found on the Internet off as their own and thus submit plagiarized pieces of work. Teachers can verify work however using online tools such as ââ¬Å"turn it inâ⬠. A further issue with the use of the Internet is the threat of students accessing inappropriate sites or making contact with unsavory individuals, this is something that needs to be closely monitored. On the whole I believe that, provided it is managed in an appropriate manner, the Internet is a very effective learning tool. Students have a wealth of information at their fingertips and access to such knowledge can be a very positive thing.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Attack by Siegfried Sassoon; Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred :: English Literature
Attack by Siegfried Sassoon; Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owen; Belfast Confetti by Ciaran Carson; No More Hiroshima's by James Kirkup Compare and contrast the attitudes to conflict shown in three or four of these poems, pointing out how the poets use language to explore their ideas and emotions. Two of the poems listed above, attack and anthem for doomed youth are to do with things that happened during world war 1. Both Wilfrid Owen and Siegfried Sassoon were involved with this war, fighting for their country. The poems that they wrote about the war told of their experiences and in attack some of the terrible things Sassoon saw and was made to do. Anthem for doomed youth is more about what happened to the people at home and what they had to go through when they realised their men weren't coming home. I think that the authors of these poems wrote about the war because they wanted people to realise that war wasn't a good thing, all it brought about was pain, suffering and it killed a lot of people unnecessarily. Belfast Confetti is written about the troubles in Northern Ireland. In it the poet Ciaran Carson describes his route through the troubled streets. the poem talks of home-made bombs, firing guns and other missiles. It mentions some of the street names that he goes through all of which are the names of battles in various wars. When reading the poem you imagine that it should be said very fast almost imitating the gun shots spoken about by the author. The last poem I'll be writing about is No More Hiroshima's by James Kirkup. This poem is all about what remains of the city of Hiroshima after an atomic bomb was dropped on it at the end of world war 2. Kirkup describes his first impressions of Hiroshima as he passes through and other things he saw there that made him upset. I think that he decided to write this poem because what he saw affected him greatly and in some way he was almost angry when he saw some of the inhabitants attempts at trying to once again reconstruct a normal life for themselves. The bomb itself which was the first atomic bomb ever to be used in warfare was dropped on August 6th 1945. Over 130, 000 people were killed or severely injured by the bomb and its after effects. This means that Kirkup had nothing at all to do with Hiroshima itself as the bomb was dropped before his time. Also he wasn't Japanese. The first poem that I have decided to write about in full is attack by
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mike and Marty Essay
How would you rate Mike and Marty on the Big Five personality traits? I think Mike and Marty are complete opposites from each other. On the personality traits I rate them for the same traits but opposite sides. For example both have neuroticism, but Marty is stable, calm but insecure when Mike is tense, anxious but secure. I would also rate them both for conscientiousness Marty being careful, disciplined and organized but Mike being the opposite, careless, impulsive and disorganized. For extraversion, I think Marty is quiet, sober and retiring when Mike is mike is definitely talkative, fun-loving and sociable. Even though they have the same traits, they are opposites from each other. Which of the two brothers seems more likely to be achieving self-actualization? Explain. I think Marty is the one that is more likely to achieve self-actualization. He seems to know his goals and is achieving one after another. He is very responsible and is going a secure path, full of achievements. He has a fulfilling career and a family, something most people are striving for. He will most likely feel like he has succeeded in life, which is an important step on the way to self-actualization. Mike on the other hand seems to live for the day, not being much concerned about tomorrow. He is very irresponsible with his actions, which one day will catch up with him. I think he is not going to be able to achieve self-actualization because he wonââ¬â¢t feel like he has succeeded in life or that he has done everything right and well. Do Mike and Marty appear to have different levels of intelligence, or do they show intelligence in different ways? Please explain. I donââ¬â¢t think you can tell who is more intelligent here. Marty is definitely book-smarter than Mike, but Mike is social and has a different kind of intelligence. I am sure that Marty is more logical-mathematical intelligent than Mike, but Mike is more interpersonal intelligent than Marty. Marty shows his intelligence in his school past and his career and Mike is showing his intelligence in being a social person. I believe Mike has more friends than Marty because he is more outgoing and confident. Both are intelligent but in different ways, you can tell they are expressing their intelligence differently with their life choices.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Human Nature and Power Essay
During the Renaissance, many brilliant philosophers have explored the concept of human nature. The question, what motivates humanity has been taken into consideration in the composure of virtually every society. By establishing that premise, many went on to create an ideal society with the intention of developing that thought. Niccolo Machiavelli and Thomas More are outstanding representatives among them. In both Moreââ¬â¢s Utopia and Machiavelliââ¬â¢s The Prince, perfect societies are constructed. However, More and Machiavelli have different opinions about the human nature in relation to the role of power and authority. Thomas More optimistically describes human nature. He depicts that man by nature is good-willed and conforming. He believes that human nature can be improved. Therefore, if the governing power is to be removed then man would be a less hostile force. Niccolo Machiavelli, on the other hand, describes human nature negatively. Man is untrustworthy, ungrateful, greedy and lying. Machiavelli suggests that man will never change and that one will always attempt to overcome the other. Power and authority is implied in the very essence of Machiavelliââ¬â¢s work. It is tied in with the greed and selfishness. More believed human nature to be good, created by God, and susceptible to great improvement if social, political, and economic conditions were reformed so that human misery were eliminated and that fundamental human virtue were thereby liberated and nurtured. More believed in socialism insofar as it would eliminate private property, which he saw as the root of evil. He believed that when private property exists, and when money dominates all other considerations, then ââ¬Å"it is hardly ever possible for a commonwealth to be governed justly or happily. â⬠More believes that justice simply cannot exist when the ââ¬Å"worst citizensâ⬠own the ââ¬Å"best things,â⬠or ââ¬Å"where property is limited to a few. â⬠In such a situation, those who have so much are ââ¬Å"always uneasy,â⬠fearing they will have it taken, and those who have so little ââ¬Å"are utterly wretchedâ⬠(More 38). Where there is no justice, people will believe that there is no reward for virtue, which will result in people behaving according to their lowest standards, rather than according to their highest. In Utopia, Thomas Moreââ¬â¢ view of human nature is far more positive than negative. While he certainly shows an awareness of the flaws in human beings, he attributes those flaws more to the environment, and political and socioeconomic factors, than to the nature of humanity. In other words, More shows that human nature can be altered by altering the environment. If the environment is improved, meaning socially, politically and economically, then the behavior of human beings will be improved, bringing out the best in human nature. So in Moreââ¬â¢s view, if the governing power and authority is to be removed then man would be a less hostile force. Machiavelli expresses his view of the basic lack of goodness in human nature. He believes that in general, most people have a primary interest in themselves, and are motivated by their financial greed. Men are mainly concerned with their property and honor. ââ¬Å"When neither their property nor their honor is touched, the majority of men live contentâ⬠¦ â⬠If he ââ¬Å"wishes to profess goodness at all timesâ⬠he ââ¬Å"must fall to ruin among so many who are not good. â⬠If he wishes to maintain his power, he must ââ¬Å"learn how not to be good, and to use it or not according to necessityâ⬠(Machiavelli 127). Machiavelli, envisions society as one that turns to power and satisfaction of vices as seen through The Prince. Machiavelli advises that to keep power one must learn to be corrupt. This advice is given due to the idea that one who knows not corruption and believes in honesty is faced with those who use manipulation as part of the job. Machiavelli also sees pursuing virtue as an act that leads to ruin, while serving vice will fortify life. Human nature is one that tends to be drawn to pleasant, satisfactory things. If there is no benefit to the self for actions performed, motivation to perform such actions will be low or nonexistent. As seen throughout history, many actions have been taken in order for people to gain power, even if that action is genocide. Men are willing to step over men in order to have power and make an enjoyable life for hisself. Such occurrences can be seen multiple times, being unprompted and completely by choice of the power hungry. According to the different point of view of human nature from More and Machiavelli above, we can understand how More and Machiavelli view power and the role of power and authority. In the Prince, the authority is in either monarchy or dictatorship. Machiavelli focuses on the manipulation of the people to maintain power. The importance lies in the fact that in a monarchy or dictatorship, one person has the power in a society and all the rest serve only to obey him. Starkly different is Moreââ¬â¢s creation. His society is a true communist one and it could also beargued that it is also a democracy. Leaders are elected by the people, who make their owndecisions freely. Nothing, not even power, is owned in that society by an individual. The power is distributed, thus empowerment. The capitalism of Machiavelliââ¬â¢s world, the idea strongly ties in with this contrast. it was written for the use of one man to dominate over and control his kingdom, it was obviously not meant for lesser mortals. It in itself is a tool of power which could be used for only the good of the prince who uses it. Whether or not the people are empowered does not matter, it is irrelevant. It only matters that theprince uses it to maintain his own power. In contrast, Utopia is a fantasy written by More tosuggest an alternative way of life for the people. He focuses very little on the doings of the princein his ideal society; what matters in Utopia is the actions of the people. One might even say thatthe people are empowered, but the ideals that truly run the society, are empowered. Moreââ¬â¢s truefocus does not even lie in power, but in the seeking of ideals. The Utopian society highlights the unwritten laws of morality that humans possess if they are raised in a society that promotes honesty and virtue. However, Machiavelli argues that men are evil and inherent selfishness, no matter how pleasant a society raises them. Peopleââ¬â¢s natural tendency to lie, cheat, and steal swells up without any restrictions, destroying not only their own community but also their government. It is implied that the treatment of criminals is harsh and strict. In Utopia, More describes how this ideal society punishes itsââ¬â¢ criminals and it is obvious that they are mild and gentle. Since vice is not only destroyed, and men preserved, but they are treated in such a manner as to make them see the necessity of being honest (Utopia, 14). Although More and Machiavelliââ¬â¢s opinions differ greatly in their view of human nature, both works are unbelievably intriguing in that each of the societies would leave an incredible mark in history. The visual given through Moreââ¬â¢s Utopia portrays society an optimistââ¬â¢s view. More believes that when given all equal opportunities and provisions, people will lead a virtuous, unselfish life. People will work for the benefit of other people in order to create an equal and pleasant society. People only turn to corruption when faced with shortages or vanity in believing some deserve more than others. So in Moreââ¬â¢s Utopian world, the governing authority is removed and the power is distributed. However, in the Prince, Peopleââ¬â¢s natural tendency to lie, cheat, and steal swells up without any restrictions, power and authority is implied in the very essence of Machiavelliââ¬â¢s work. It is tied in with the greed and selfishness. So Machiavelli focuses on the manipulation of the people to maintain power.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Issues of Erotic Desire in Phaedrus and De Rerum Natura â⬠Philosophy Essay
The Issues of Erotic Desire in Phaedrus and De Rerum Natura ââ¬â Philosophy Essay Free Online Research Papers The Issues of Erotic Desire in Phaedrus and De Rerum Natura Philosophy Essay Erotic desire in Phaedrus, and De Rerum Natura is intrinsically connected with pleasure. But had Plato examined De Rerum, and Lucretius, Phaedrus, they would have been troubled by the place and role of erotic desire in the otherââ¬â¢s work. Superficially, erotic desire in the two works differs little; both would appear to the undiscriminating reader as a variance of lust, or perhaps love. But on a deeper level, when comparing the importance of erotic desire in the works, and the relation to the conception and attainment of the summum bonum, the greatest good, ideological conflicts are revealed. The differences between the place, conception, and role of erotic desire in the two works are determined by the view of the summum bonum, which largely hinges on the question of the mortality of the soul. To get a firm grasp of the topic, it is useful to first look of the two authorââ¬â¢s definitions of erotic desire, with short expositions on the place and role of erotic desire in the two works, irrespective of each other. What is erotic desire in Platoââ¬â¢s Phaedrus? Erotic desire, as defined in Socratesââ¬â¢ Second Speech, is: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ the fourth kind of madness- that which someone shows when he sees the beauty we have down here and is reminded of true beauty; then he takes wing and flutters in his eagerness to rise up, but is unable to do so; and he gazes aloft, like a bird, paying no attention to what is down belowâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (37) Erotic desire is a kind of ââ¬Ëmadnessââ¬â¢ brought on by the recollection of ââ¬Ëtrue beautyââ¬â¢. With Plato, erotic desire exists in a world where immortal forms are the ideal. Erotic desire is the manifestation of the longing for those perfect forms. The summum bonum is the knowledge of the truth, represented by the forms, and erotic desire is the feeling brought on in the physical world by the recollection of those forms. It is important to note the reaction of the man ââ¬Ëreminded of true beautyââ¬â¢, and its relation to the definition of erotic desire. The manââ¬â¢s reaction is the first step in a process which Plato refers to as, ââ¬Å"lov[ing] boys philosophicallyâ⬠(36). It is not the path of the man who ââ¬Å"surrenders to pleasure and sets out in the manner of a four-footed beastâ⬠(39). The ideal relationship, in which a man ââ¬Ëloves boys philosophicallyââ¬â¢, is never consummated, though those that love ambitiously are only a step or two below the ideal (48). This implies, since both begin the ascent back into ââ¬Ëheavenââ¬â¢, that the erotic desire and the close relationship results, rather than strict philosophy, is the most important mechanism for the regrowth of the soulââ¬â¢s wings and the return to ââ¬ËRealityââ¬â¢. This clarifies the concept of erotic desire somewhat. Erotic desire becomes a love for another person, a love that leads one to look for a higher truth, no matter the circumstance. Man on earth is incomplete, he has lost the sense of truth and virtue he had while in ââ¬ËRealityââ¬â¢. Erotic desire becomes a desire for completeness that is achieved through union with another. The summum bonum is this completeness, this knowledge of the truth. But what of ââ¬Å"practice[ing] philosophy without guileâ⬠, the other way that Socrates mentions the soul can regrow its wings? The philosopher is already as complete as possible, ââ¬Å"since [the philosopherâ â¬â¢s mindââ¬â¢s] memory always keeps it as close as possible to those realitiesâ⬠(37). What place does erotic desire have in Platoââ¬â¢s Phaedrus? Erotic desire has a central place in the philosophy of Phaedrus. Socratesââ¬â¢s second speech, where erotic desire is discussed, occupies the literal center of the dialogue. However, erotic desireââ¬â¢s importance is more than just nominal; erotic desire is key to the philosophy of Socratesââ¬â¢s second speech. Socratesââ¬â¢ proof begins: ââ¬Å"Every soul is immortal. That is because whatever is always in motion is immortal, while what moves, and is moved by, something else stops living when it stops moving.â⬠(29) Motion is connected with life; immortality, with perpetual motion. The speech of Socrates is based on this principle, which proves the immortality of the soul. Motion is the important element to focus on. Erotic desire is the manifestation of the longing for the perfect forms that define the immortal soulââ¬â¢s existence; in Platonic terms, the forms exist in the collective as ââ¬ËRealityââ¬â¢ (34). The knowledge of these forms, and the sight of them in ââ¬Ëheavenââ¬â¢ is the Socratean summum bonum. Truth is the greatest good, and erotic desire leads to truth. The soulââ¬â¢s attraction to the truth, in Platoââ¬â¢s terms, ââ¬Ëformsââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËRealityââ¬â¢, is paralleled by the bodyââ¬â¢s attraction to reminders of these things, in this case, the erotic desire for ââ¬Ëbeautiful boyââ¬â¢. Erotic desire is essentially a force for motion toward the forms. Since Socrates describes erotic desire earlier as, ââ¬Å"tak[ing] its name from th e word for forceâ⬠, this should be no surprise (18). It is a natural desire for the soul to want to move toward the forms, as Socrates says that the mind of the soul is ââ¬Å"nourished by intelligence and pure knowledgeâ⬠(33). ââ¬ËNourishââ¬â¢ connects the forms and the soul in a physical way, in a way equational to the connection between the man and the ââ¬Ëbeautiful boyââ¬â¢. What is erotic desire in Lucretiusââ¬â¢s De Rerum Natura? Lucretius defines erotic desire in different terms than Plato. Erotic desire is the ââ¬Å"mindââ¬â¢s woundâ⬠, when manââ¬â¢s body, ââ¬Å"strives for union with [her body], wants to fill that body with his own, pour out that seed into the otherâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (149). For Lucretius, erotic desire contains elements of lust; it is a hopelessly physical attraction. Throughout the work, Lucretius talks of seeds, most notably with reference to atoms, and the theme continues through his discussion of erotic desire, ââ¬Å"once we are men mature and strong, becomes an active force, compulsive, drivingâ⬠(149). The ââ¬Ëseedââ¬â¢ is the ââ¬Ëdrivingââ¬â¢ force behind erotic desire in the work. There is no pretense of a higher love in De Rerum, no mention of souls, or wings or forms, but as Lucretiusââ¬â¢s focus in his work is on the mortality of the soul, the transience of existence, there is no pla ce for such things. The main unit of Socratesââ¬â¢s world is the soul, while the main unit of Lucretiusââ¬â¢s world is the atom. Both units are immortal, but only Socratesââ¬â¢s unit allows for an individual, perpetual existence. Erotic desire has a place in the Lucretian world view, but not a major one. Insofar as the Lucretian philosophy looks to maximize pleasure, erotic desire can bring pleasure, but remember that the greatest pleasure, the summum bonum, is the absence of all pain. Erotic desire can be the first step down into the abyss of ââ¬Å"passionate loveâ⬠(150). As Lucretius says, ââ¬Å"What could be more contrary to nature? Nothing else inflames us, once we have it, with desire of more and more and moreâ⬠(151). Love has the potential for immense pain along with its pleasure, and immense pain is exactly what Lucretius looks to avoid. Love is unnatural, not only through its ââ¬Ëdesire of more and more and moreââ¬â¢, but also through the pain it almost always brings. What is more unnatural in the Lucretian system than the seeking out of pain? But the danger of falling in love is not enough for Lucretius to counsel against erotic desire, represented by Venus, ââ¬Å"Avoiding passionate love, you need not miss all the rewards of Venusâ⬠(150). Lucretius is direct in his ââ¬Ëprescriptionââ¬â¢, ââ¬Å"The only thing to do is to confuse the issue, cure the hurt by many more- what does the adage say, Safety in hordes? Ah, thatââ¬â¢s the right prescriptionâ⬠(150). Love is like a sickness, also the ââ¬Å"germinal seeds of madnessâ⬠, and must be treated with a ââ¬Ëprescriptionââ¬â¢ (150). The ââ¬Ëprescriptionââ¬â¢ is promiscuous sex, which stands opposed to Socrateââ¬â¢s condemnation of those who ââ¬Ëset out in the manner of the four-footed beastââ¬â¢. How does the role of erotic desire differ between Phaedrus and De Rerum Natura? Erotic desire fits into the two works differently, and this is largely the result of differences in the two worksââ¬â¢ conception of pleasure. Socrates says, ââ¬Å"the truth is my subject,â⬠and it is the truth, in the shape of the forms, that is the ultimate pleasure in Phaedrus (34). The result is a more abstract view of the pleasure in erotic desire; it is very much connected with the idea of forms, and the recollection of the ââ¬Ëtruthââ¬â¢ brought on by the ââ¬Ëbeautiful boyââ¬â¢. It is also one of the few ways the soul can regrow its wings, and ascend back into the realm of ââ¬ËRealityââ¬â¢. Erotic desire is key to the world view of Socratesââ¬â¢s Second Speech. Within Socratesââ¬â¢s concept of erotic desire is a firm belief in the immortality of the soul; erotic desire allows the fallen to rise again, it is a redeeming force. But Lucretius goes to great pai ns to prove the mortality of the soul, and thus erotic desire plays a somewhat different role in De Rerum. The soul is instead replaced by ââ¬Ëseedsââ¬â¢, and their physical connotation. Lucretius compares erotic desire to the ââ¬Å"mindââ¬â¢s woundâ⬠, and much like blood spurts from the bodyââ¬â¢s wound, the seed spurts from the mindââ¬â¢s. Erotic desire is a physical pleasure, in a world where everything is physical, and it is only one of a multitude of physical pleasures. But more crucial is that in the work of Lucretius, the summum bonum is the absence of all pain. This is in contrast to the Socratean summum bonum of knowledge of the ââ¬Ëtruthââ¬â¢. Socratesââ¬â¢s philosophy accepts that pain can follow erotic desire; he makes clear that it is a pain of the soul, ââ¬Å"[the wingââ¬â¢s] feathers prick[ing] at its passagewayâ⬠brought on by the absence of the ââ¬Ëbeautiful boyââ¬â¢ (40). Because the soul is immortal, pain in the present can be endured for the greater everlasting pleasure. All this pain is endured for the greatest good. Lucretiusââ¬â¢s philosophy is consistent with the delay of gratification for a greater pleasure, but the soul in Lucretius is mortal and erotic desire provides no such opportunity. Though in Lucretius, erotic desire is a perfectly legitimate pleasure, so long as it does not develop into ââ¬Ëpassionate loveââ¬â¢, which carries the potential for great pain. In a superficial way, relative to a discussion of immortal forms, Lucretius views erotic desire as a force that distorts the truth, as it causes the lover to overlook flaws in their love. It may seem obvious, but pleasure and erotic desire are inextricably linked. Imagine the discussion between the two writers; focus on the intensity of it. See how deep into their philosophies erotic desire gets them? It gets to the heart of the matter, to the ââ¬Ëgreatest goodââ¬â¢, and the mortality of the soul. How is the summum bonum to be achieved? Is a part of us immortal? The two men would have disagreed. The soul is immortal for Plato, and mortal for Lucretius. Platoââ¬â¢s ideal is a man full of erotic desire, of that ââ¬Ëpassionate loveââ¬â¢ which Lucretius denounces, but his soul will be the better for it, because it leads him to a greater good. The man of Lucretius would see no higher good in erotic desire, just a pleasure with pitfalls. For Plato, erotic desire leads to the truth, but for Lucretius it leads astray. As the two works, in the discussion of erotic desire, seem to be defined by the question of the mortality of the soul, the works, in this light, provide insight into how crucial a role time, or the lack of it, plays in the conception of the summum bonum. There is a troubling undercurrent that runs through both works. In this context, both works imply the instability of human experience. In Plato, the soul exists in the perfect world of forms, and then falls into the imperfect world of man; the cycle repeats endlessly. For Lucretius, man may take pleasure in the moment, but pain is always around the corner. Though ideologically different, both philosophers accept that stability is difficult to realize. Again, the issue hinges on the mortality of the soul, because stability can only ultimately be achieved in death. Research Papers on The Issues of Erotic Desire in Phaedrus and De Rerum Natura - Philosophy EssayHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementMind TravelComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoQuebec and CanadaCapital PunishmentEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenResearch Process Part OneHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayRelationship between Media Coverage and Social and
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Chinese
Chinese Creation Myths At the start of every civilization many stories are told to explain life and how things began. Each culture portrays the beginning of life in a different way but are similar in many ways. The themes and gods may differ by name and physical features, but the part they play in creation are all too familiar in every myth. In Chinese mythology, the basic themes of revolve around the order from chaos theme of myths. Order from chaos can be defined as giving a basic explanation to how and why things are the way they are. To deal with the more complex aspect of things, mythological creatures and characters are used to provide meaning. The many stories and gods within them all tie together to provide meaning. In Chinese myths, there is no exception. The names of the gods differ in different regions of China, but their roles are usually the same. The first story existed during the Han dynasty which lasted from 206 BC- 220 AD (Rosenberg, 359). Although religious beliefs taught by Confucius banned any religions that had to do with worshiping nature. Scholars sought ways in which they could change them around to fit the religion at the time (Rosenberg, 259). In the majority of the myths there is a divine pair that exists, meaning a balance between good and evil. The Chinese believed that for every object that existed, there was a complete and total opposite. In this particular, "The Creation of the Universe", the earth starts off as an egg that contained the whole universe (Rosenberg, 360). The first being named Pangu, dwelled within this "Cosmic Egg". After some time, Pangu decided it was time to come out from within and broke the egg open and began to bring order to the world. Since the sky and heavens were lying on top of each other, there was no way for things to separate. So Pangu lifted the top part (heaven and sky) which came to be known as Yang. The piece below became known as Yin ... Free Essays on Chinese Free Essays on Chinese Chinese Creation Myths At the start of every civilization many stories are told to explain life and how things began. Each culture portrays the beginning of life in a different way but are similar in many ways. The themes and gods may differ by name and physical features, but the part they play in creation are all too familiar in every myth. In Chinese mythology, the basic themes of revolve around the order from chaos theme of myths. Order from chaos can be defined as giving a basic explanation to how and why things are the way they are. To deal with the more complex aspect of things, mythological creatures and characters are used to provide meaning. The many stories and gods within them all tie together to provide meaning. In Chinese myths, there is no exception. The names of the gods differ in different regions of China, but their roles are usually the same. The first story existed during the Han dynasty which lasted from 206 BC- 220 AD (Rosenberg, 359). Although religious beliefs taught by Confucius banned any religions that had to do with worshiping nature. Scholars sought ways in which they could change them around to fit the religion at the time (Rosenberg, 259). In the majority of the myths there is a divine pair that exists, meaning a balance between good and evil. The Chinese believed that for every object that existed, there was a complete and total opposite. In this particular, "The Creation of the Universe", the earth starts off as an egg that contained the whole universe (Rosenberg, 360). The first being named Pangu, dwelled within this "Cosmic Egg". After some time, Pangu decided it was time to come out from within and broke the egg open and began to bring order to the world. Since the sky and heavens were lying on top of each other, there was no way for things to separate. So Pangu lifted the top part (heaven and sky) which came to be known as Yang. The piece below became known as Yin ... Free Essays on Chinese Chinese Art China has the world's oldest living civilization. It's written history goes back almost 3,500 years, and the history told by it's artifacts and artwork goes back much farther. The oldest known works of Chinese art include pottery and jade carvings from the time of 5000 BC. Jade is a general term used to describe either jadeite or nephrite, known as true jade. It's composed of several minerals. It's smooth and rich in texture, but it's also extremely tough. It can be off-white, or dark green, and sometimes has a reddish tint. Authentic jade is cool and never translucent. The philosopher Confucius described jade perfectly when he said: "It is soft, smooth and shining- like intelligence. It's edges seem sharp but do not cut- like justice. It hangs down to the ground- like humility. When struckm, it gives clear, ringing sounds- like music. The strains in it are not hidden and add to it's beauty- like truthfulness. It has brightness- like heaven. It's firm substance is born of the mountains and the waters- like the earth." The material has been used since the Shang dynasty, which lasted from 1766-1022 B.C. They see it as a sign of wealth and authority and also as an object of beauty. The chinese word for jade is yu. During the Ming dynasty, the Chinese people thought that only green or white stones were true jade, and the other colors were called fu yu, or false jade. It was classified into nine different colors during the Tsin dynasty, and has more recently been classified into many different categories. Jade is one of the touchest stones in the world, near the diamond because of overlapping fibers within the stone. Tons of pressure are needed to crush some of the larger pieces of jade. A single cut through a one foot cube of jade would take several weeks. The ancient chinese people thought that jade had special powers, and they used it in rituals and ceremonies. It wa... Free Essays on Chinese Population Disaster? The Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China is a vastly populated country. The inhabitants of the country make up approximately twenty percent of the worldââ¬â¢s population. For nearly 2,000 years, the population of China fluctuated between 60,000,000 and 110,000,000. When the Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China was founded in 1949, the population was approximately 540,000,000. Within three decades, the population had increased to over 800,000,000. During the next three decades the population is expected to increase by over 260,000,000. Although this is not as tremendous an increase as in the first thirty years of the country, this number is equivalent to the total population of the United States. This increase is driven by the high fertility rates of the 1950ââ¬â¢s and 1960ââ¬â¢s, which averaged between 5.6 and 6.3 children per woman. During the 1970ââ¬â¢s and 1980ââ¬â¢s the fertility rate dropped to around 1.8 children per woman. Even though the fertility rate has dropped, the population will continue to experience tremendous growth because of the large number of young adults of reproductive age. The United Nations Population Division estimates that Chinaââ¬â¢s population will grow to 1,490,000,000 by 2025, but will decrease slightly to 1,480,000,000 by 2050. This decline is a result of Chinaââ¬â¢s government enforced one-child policy. Some 58,000 children are born every day in China, which averages out to 20,000,000 births each year. This number would be much higher if not for the one-child policy. Pregnancies must be authorized and women must obtain a birth coupon before conception. Couples who do not follow these procedures have fines imposed upon them, sometimes amounting to more than what they would earn in an entire year. This one-child policy has also resulted in the mass murder of infant girls. Many female fetuses are aborted because of the strong preference for boys in the country. Upon birth, girls are routinely...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Make Friends in College
How to Make Friends in College Lets be honest: making friends in college can be scary. If youre heading to college for the first time, chances are you only know a few people, if that. If youre at a school where you feel like you dont have any friends, it might seem like its too late to focus on making new ones. Fortunately, your time in college is like no other. It is forgiving and built for you to learn and explore, especially when it comes to making friends. Challenge Yourself Making friends in college is a challenge. Know that making friends at school is going to require a little effort on your part. While friendships can blossom naturally, it takes some energy to go out and meet your soon-to-be-friends for the first time. So challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone. Do some of the social activities during orientation week sound lame? Yup. But should you go to them anyway? Most definitely. After all, do you want to experience a little awkwardness (the event) for long-term benefits (meeting people), or do you want to experience a little comfort (staying in your room) in exchange for long-term disadvantages (meeting people who might turn into friends)? A little effort now can pay off quite a bit later when it comes to making friends in college. So challenge yourself to try something new, even if it sounds unusual for you or a bit scary at first. Know That Everyone in College is New If youre a first-year student, nearly everyone in your class is brand new. Which means that everyone is trying to meet people and make friends. Consequently, theres no reason to feel awkward or shy about chatting up strangers, joining a group in the quad, or outreaching to as many people as possible. It helps everyone! Additionally, even if youre in your third year in college, there are still new experiences for you. That statistics class you have to take for gradà school? Everyone in it is new to you, and vice versa. The people in your residence hall, apartment building, and the club are all-new, too. So reach out and talk to folks whenever you find yourself in a new situation; you never know where your new best friend is hiding. Know That Its Never Too Late to Start Over in Collegeà One of the best things about college is that its designed to help you grow. Just because you were focused on figuring out what you wanted to major in during your first two years doesnt mean that you cant, for example, join a fraternity or sorority your junior year. If you didnt realize your love of reading and writing poetry until you took that rockin course last semester, know that its not too late to join the poetry club. People come in and out of social spheres and cliques all the time in college; its part of what makes college great. Seize those kinds of opportunities to meet new people whenever and wherever you can. Keep Trying Alright, so this year you wanted to make more friends. You joined a club or two, looked at joining a sorority/fraternity, but its now two months later and nothings clicking. Dont give up! Just because the things you tried didnt work out doesnt mean the next thing you try wont work, either. If nothing else, you figured out what you dont like at your school or in certain groups of people. All that means is that you owe it to yourself to keep trying. Get Out of Your Room If you feel like you dont have any friends, it can be tempting to just go to class, maybe go to work, and then head home. But being alone in your room is the worst possible way to make friends. You have 0% chance of interacting with new people. Challenge yourself a little bit to be around other people. Do your work in the campus coffee shop, library, or even out on the quad. Hang out in the student center. Write your paper in the computer lab instead of your room. Ask some students in your classes if they want to make a study group together. You dont have to be best friends right away, but you will end up helping each other with your homework while also getting some time to get to know each other. There are tons of ways to put yourself in situations where meeting people and making friends can happen organically- but being in your room all the time isnt one of them. Get Involved in Something You Care About Instead of making friends being your motivating factor, let your heart lead the way. Find a campus organization or club, or even one in your neighboring community, and see how you can get involved. Chances are, along with the good work youll be doing, youll find some people with similar values as you. And chances are at least one or two of those connections will turn into a friendship. Be Patient With Yourself Think back to when you were in high school and the friendships youve maintained from there. Your friendships probably changed and morphed from your first day of high school to your last. College is no different. Friendships come and go, people grow and change, and everyone adjusts along the way. If its taking you a little time to make friends in college, be patient with yourself. It doesnt mean you cant make friends; it just means you havent yet. The only way you will end up definitely not making friends in college is to stop trying. So as frustratingà as it may feel and as discouraged as you may be, be patient with yourself and keep trying. Your new friends are out there!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
One of the five articles mentioned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
One of the five articles mentioned - Essay Example Violent media is an authentic tool that provides tough mental exercises and the children will learn the merits and demerits of violence to enable them to adapt to real-life situations. Gerard argues accordingly and treats violence as an asset for the healthy growth of children. Unless the child knows what darkness is, the beauty of the light will never be appreciated by it. Children must know the prevailing realities in the present violence-prone society and adjust their life-patterns accordingly. Gerard Jones begins the essay with a heavy stroke of the hammer. At the first reading the reactions likeââ¬âjustification for violent media? Exposition of children to violence? Incredible!ââ¬âare normal. Gerardââ¬â¢s love for violence goes in tandem with his love for childrenââ¬âthis in short is the message ingrained in the essay, and said intelligently. Gerardââ¬â¢s advice to the children is, remove thorn with the thorn. It is easy for the parents to make the children submissive by injecting repeated doses on morality, but it requires guts to tell a child, retaliation is the best answer when you are attacked. A brave child of brave parents will be happy at the recollections of the past, as to how he challenged the vicissitudes of life. No one is defeated in life unless one admits defeat and the child that has been sensitized about the values of violent reactions will have the last laugh. The best educational institution on this Planet Earth is the college of self-education, where your mind is your principal and your initiatives are your professors. The highest challenge is to face the realities of life and not avoid or duck them. The motivating factor for the author to pen this essay and come out in support of violent media is his own childhood when he was carefully prevented from having the firsthand knowledge about the dark sides of life. Children should know that there
Friday, October 18, 2019
Short Story and Art piece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Short Story and Art piece - Essay Example This confusion starts as Mr. Conroy enters the house and is greeted by the housemaid, Lily. As she helps him with his coat, he attempts to make a connection with her, remembering a time when she was a little girl playing with dolls as he says, "I suppose well be going to your wedding one of these fine days with your young man." However, he is quickly and firmly turned away from such a connection as she responds, "the men that is now is only all palaver and what they can get out of you." This response denies any connection between the two characters at the same time that it causes the reader to question the intentions being expressed. Perhaps Mr. Conroy was trying to be flirtatious instead of just family? It is difficult to know for certain, thus calling into question whether this short story is communicating in a conventional way. As Gabriel goes upstairs to talk with the people there, he eventually meets up with a fellow university instructor, Miss Ivors, and she teases him about hi s clandestine writings for a conservative newspaper, calling him a West Briton and forcing him to admit he is sick of Ireland. When Miss Ivors leaves the party suddenly, "Gabriel asked himself was he the cause of her abrupt departure. But she did not seem to be in ill humour: she had gone away laughing." He continues to be confused until the end of the story, when he learns that his wife, who was transfixed by a song sung as they were leaving, is still missing an old lover she had before him who died after taking a chill waiting outside her window. This ending leaves the reader as perplexed as the character, trying to puzzle out what the meaning was intended to be and where the attention should have been focused. In much the same way, "Deep in the very heart of Africa" is a painting that provides very little context as to where the viewer is supposed to look. The art work presents what seems to be a diagonal maze stretched across a
Law,Ethicsand globaisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Law,Ethicsand globaisation - Essay Example corollary to that, because a prosperous economic life could only be attained if a society embarks upon productive ventures if it is free from the risk of loss, from adverse consequence of unforeseen incidents that, with foresight and preparation, could be averted. Economic progress comes only with confidence in the future. It is for this reason that governments in progressive countries cannot afford not to plan for a comprehensive and effective fire and safety program to address the risks posed by fire and other hazards. The concentrations of people and property within a geographical area makes the consequences of a disaster, whether man-made or natural, more severe than it otherwise should have been. It is for this reason that this study shall examine the UK and UAE efforts at improved fire and rescue capability. The law on fire service implemented in the United Kingdom is embodied in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which applies to all non-domestic premises with a few, specific, exemptions. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRFSO) supersedes the Fire Precautions Act of 1971, in effect replacing, among other things, fire certification with a general duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of employees from the hazards and dangers of fire. In relation to non-employees, the duty of the premisesââ¬â¢ owner is to take such fire precautions as may be reasonably required, given the circumstances, to ascertain their safety within the premises. Furthermore, it is the duty of such owners to carry out a fire risk assessment. The novelty of the reform is that it draws together more than 100 pieces of separate legislation in force at the time. As stated earlier, it abolishes fire safety certificates for non-domestic premises, in effect transferring the burden of responsibility onto a ââ¬Å"responsible personâ⬠, such as an employer, a building owner, occupier, or whoever has a contractual responsibility for fire
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Social Interaction and Relationships Research Paper
Social Interaction and Relationships - Research Paper Example A Closer Analysis on Child Abuse The welfare of children has been the primary concern of social scientists through time. The penultimate objectives of parents, teachers, social workers through local communities and state agencies globally acknowledge the need to promote and safeguard the well-being of each and every child. Sad to say, there are some relationships between parents and children that result in maltreatment and abuse due to various factors. Children have been found to be highly susceptible to abusive relationship and behavior by adults due to their tender age, naivety, immaturity, and incompetence to fully decide for themselves without realizing the effects and repercussions of actions imposed upon them. In this regard, the essay aims to proffer issues pertinent to social interaction focusing on child abuse, as one type of relationship between a child and his or her parents, as studied through the eyes of a social psychologist. ... ience, direct or indirect, coincide with the conclusions made through social science research; and finally, (4) if one could study the same behavior, how could it be done differently and how would oneââ¬â¢s method ensure a higher level of accuracy. The Study of Child Abuse The Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (CBSSE) published a report entitled Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect in 1993 delving into the critical issues pervading child abuse including its identification and definitions, the scope of the problem, etiology of maltreatment, prevention, consequences, and treatment, among others. As indicated, it was only in 1976 that the first relevant statistics on child maltreatment was revealed and covered by the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (CBSSE, 1993, 78). The incidence and prevalence of child abuse and maltreatment were revealed to be sourced from ââ¬Å"congressionally mandated maltreatment reports, population-based surveys of speci fic types of maltreatment, surveys of maltreatment in special population subgroups (e.g., disabled children), and cross-national dataâ⬠(CBSSE, 1993, 79). Current statistics from the National Child Abuse agency show a continually increasing trend of abuse and maltreatment from 1995 until 2007 (Child Help, 2011). The figures reveal an alarming number of approximately ââ¬Å"5.8 million children were involved in an estimated 3.2 million child abuse reports and allegationsâ⬠¦ (of which) 90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way; 68% are abused by family membersâ⬠(Child Help, 2011, 1). The mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect has been expounded by Smith (2009) to indicate that ââ¬Å"all states require certain professionals and institutions to report suspected child abuse,
Conceptual Art as a Response to Modernism Thesis
Conceptual Art as a Response to Modernism - Thesis Example The essay "Conceptual Art as a Response to Modernism" analyzes conceptual art. Conceptual art was a critique and a pushback against modernism, simply because modernism had a structure and a place in history and theory of art. According to Harrison & Wood, modernist art assumes the relationship between art and language and art and theory. Theoretical art, according to Harrison & Wood is post hoc, in that it builds upon tradition and what has gone before. In this sense, modernist art, while new and a repudiation of traditional art forms, still retained a semblance of previous art forms. The modernists explored the future in their art, and built their concepts on the ââ¬Å"new man,â⬠yet, the forms that they explored did not stray to far from traditional art, as they looked for a ââ¬Å"different means of expression best suited to each component of his language: line, surface and colorâ⬠. In other words, artists explored different ideas and different ways of creating art, and different means of expression, yet these explorations occurred within the confines of accepted art forms, such as painting, sculpture and the like. So, it is perhaps ironic that one of the fathers of the conceptual art movement was a man who was associated with modernism, and that was Marcel Duchamp. Duchamp was the first artist who conceptualized everyday items as works of art. Or, rather, he was the first artist who was able to turn everyday items into works of art, simply by stating that these items were something else entirely.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Social Interaction and Relationships Research Paper
Social Interaction and Relationships - Research Paper Example A Closer Analysis on Child Abuse The welfare of children has been the primary concern of social scientists through time. The penultimate objectives of parents, teachers, social workers through local communities and state agencies globally acknowledge the need to promote and safeguard the well-being of each and every child. Sad to say, there are some relationships between parents and children that result in maltreatment and abuse due to various factors. Children have been found to be highly susceptible to abusive relationship and behavior by adults due to their tender age, naivety, immaturity, and incompetence to fully decide for themselves without realizing the effects and repercussions of actions imposed upon them. In this regard, the essay aims to proffer issues pertinent to social interaction focusing on child abuse, as one type of relationship between a child and his or her parents, as studied through the eyes of a social psychologist. ... ience, direct or indirect, coincide with the conclusions made through social science research; and finally, (4) if one could study the same behavior, how could it be done differently and how would oneââ¬â¢s method ensure a higher level of accuracy. The Study of Child Abuse The Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (CBSSE) published a report entitled Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect in 1993 delving into the critical issues pervading child abuse including its identification and definitions, the scope of the problem, etiology of maltreatment, prevention, consequences, and treatment, among others. As indicated, it was only in 1976 that the first relevant statistics on child maltreatment was revealed and covered by the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (CBSSE, 1993, 78). The incidence and prevalence of child abuse and maltreatment were revealed to be sourced from ââ¬Å"congressionally mandated maltreatment reports, population-based surveys of speci fic types of maltreatment, surveys of maltreatment in special population subgroups (e.g., disabled children), and cross-national dataâ⬠(CBSSE, 1993, 79). Current statistics from the National Child Abuse agency show a continually increasing trend of abuse and maltreatment from 1995 until 2007 (Child Help, 2011). The figures reveal an alarming number of approximately ââ¬Å"5.8 million children were involved in an estimated 3.2 million child abuse reports and allegationsâ⬠¦ (of which) 90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way; 68% are abused by family membersâ⬠(Child Help, 2011, 1). The mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect has been expounded by Smith (2009) to indicate that ââ¬Å"all states require certain professionals and institutions to report suspected child abuse,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Operations Management Assignment 1 Research Paper
Operations Management Assignment 1 - Research Paper Example Improvement has two divisionsââ¬â¢ kaizen and innovation. Innovation deals with radical development in the process already existing. It needs huge investment. Kaizen signify small developments due to continuous coordinated efforts by all workers (Manos, 2007). The paper focuses on the advantages of Kaizen in the success of the Japanese firms. The west people translate Kaizen as a continuous, ongoing improvement. There are authors who explain the competitive success of Japan in the global market because of the realization Kaizen idea in Japanese firms. In contrast, of the normal emphasis on innovative, revolutionary change frequently, Kaizen looks for continuous incremental change. There is room for development and continuous attempt of becoming better according to Kaizen concept. Kaizen was a vocabulary in Japan to mean improvement. Mid of 20th century saw the word acquire a strong meaning in Japans industrial companies (Manos, 2007). It represented the skill of improvement through removing waste and involving workers, without using a lot of money. The past decades saw Japanese firms use Kaizen for competitive advantage. Kaizen assists companies to reduce costs and improve on the quality and variety product. If persistent, it is a great weapon against competitors. Implementing Kaizen in firms allows improving of every element of business process in a stepwise approach, while steadily improving the skills of workers by increased improvement and educational training. Main principles in implementing Kaizen are human resources as the most crucial asset in a firm; processes must grow by steadily improving rather than drastic changes, improvement founded on quantitative or statistical evaluation of performance of process. The strategy further involves other elements of management as teamwork, improved morale, personal discipline, quality circles, and
Monday, October 14, 2019
Report On Aspects of Employment Covered by Law Essay Example for Free
Report On Aspects of Employment Covered by Law Essay Britain has a deficit crisis, from which the only escape route, is economic growth. Growth needs to be encouraged in every way possible. à Iââ¬â¢m now working in Health and Social Care, itââ¬â¢s my first job here in the UK.I find that here in Great Britain has loads of legislation designed to ensure that discrimination on certain grounds is unlawful, and also protect workers like me. This report will cover pieces of aspects of employment covered by legislation relevant to this area, outlining why legislation relating to employment exists and the list of sources of information and advice about employment responsibilities and rights: The Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act 2010 consolidates the previous nine pieces of equality legislation based on protected characteristics to create, for the first time in Great Britain, unified equality legislation. The nine protected characteristics are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Among other things, the Act simplifies or clarifies the definitions of direct discrimination (including association and perception), indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation and extends positive equality duties to public authorities which must have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between different groups. The definition of disability under the law has changed such that a person who ahs a ââ¬Å"physical or mental impairment that has long-term adverse effect on their ability donââ¬â¢t have to show that their impairment affects a particular capacity. The definition of gender reassignment has also been change-stating that this apply to ââ¬Å" a person who is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has under gone process to change their sexâ⬠. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 The Sexual Discrimination Act of 1975 was introduced to protect individuals from discrimination on the grounds of gender. Sexual Discrimination can take many forms. It is essential to understand that sexual discrimination is judged to be unwanted attention by the victim of the behaviour, not the perpetrator. Discrimination was set out in two forms: Direct Discrimination- simply stated that one person is treated less favourably than another based on gender. Indirect Discrimination ââ¬âon the other is quit complex, this takes place if a requirement or condition is imposed, which has nothing to with gender but in practices. The Sex Discrimination Act also made it unlawful; to discriminate on the ground of marital status. Equal Pay Act 1970/1975 It simply states that Men and Women should receive equal pay for work of equal value. Human Rights Act 1998 The Human Right Act 1998 was introduced by Parliament and came into force in October 200. There are different article in this Act. Theses include: Article 2- everyoneââ¬â¢s right to life shall be protected by law. Article 3- no one shall be subjected to degrading treatment. Article 5- everyone has the right to liberty and security of a person. Article 8-eeryone has the right to respect for his private and family life and his correspondence. Article 9- everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Article 12- men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and found a family. Article 14- the enjoyment of these rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Establishes the rights of all people arrested by the police. Detainees have the right to legal advice and right to notify person who is likely interested in their welfaire. Civil Partnership Act 2004 This establishes the right of same sex couples to enter into a civil partnership. This is not marriage but is a relationship of equivalent seriousness and commitment. Health and Safety Health and safety is important to every work that we do. The legislation of health and safety is generally covered by statutory regulations. These legislations are: Health and Safety at Work Act 19 74 Employers have a duty to ensure the health and safety at work for all employees, provide and maintain equipment and system in safe condition and provide information, training and supervision relating to health and safety at work. Managers have the duty to maintain a safe working environment for all staff, ensuring that staffs follow policies, procedures and instructions. Give well information about hazard and safe working to new members of staff and also to report or record any accidents. Employees have duty to follow rules and regulation at work, ensure that they use materials in recommended procedures and not misuses anything provided for health ,safety and welfare. Food Safety Act 1990 This applies wherever food is supplied other than within a family situation. This Act is a wide ranging piece of legislation which strengthened and updated existing laws relevant to food and safety. Holidays Annual leave entitlements should be agreed when an employee starts work, details of holidays and holiday pay should be found in the employees written statement or contract of employment. Most workers are legally entitled to 5.6 weeks paid holiday per year (this is known as statutory entitlement). Part time worker are entitled to the same amount of holiday (pro rota) as full time colleagues. Employers can set the times when workers can take their leave for example a Christmas shut down. If employment ends workers have the right to be paid for any leave due but not taken. There is no legal right to paid public holidays Equal pay Employers must give men and women equal treatment in the terms and conditions of their employment contract if they are employed to do: like work work that is the same or broadly similarà work rated as equivalent under a job evaluation study Work found to be of equal value in terms of effort, skill or decision making. Employees are also entitled to know how their pay is made up. For example, if there is a bonus system, everyone should know how to earn bonuses and how they are calculated. National Minimum Wage Most workers in the UK over school leaving age are entitled to be paid at least the NMW. The NMW rates are reviewed each year by the Low Pay commission. Most workers will be entitled to the National Minimum Wage (NMW). Normally the NMW rate changes in October each year. There are no exemptions according to the size of business. HM Revenue Customs can take employers to court for not paying the NMW. II. Outlining why legislation relating to employment exist: Legislation relating to employment exists to stop exploitation of workers by their employers mainly to protect the rights of their employeeââ¬â¢s and to make sure that they have everything they need such as: * Minimum wage * Safety standards * Holiday entitlement * Maternity leave * Redundancy payments * Discrimination laws * Maximum working hours * Age requirement All employees need to have all good things that protect them from unscrupulous bosses. III. Sources of information and advice about employment and rights: * Contract- All employees have an employment contract with their employer. A contract is an agreement that sets out an employeeââ¬â¢s: employment conditions rights responsibilities duties These are called the ââ¬Ëtermsââ¬â¢ of the contract. * Handbook- An employee handbook, sometimes also known as an employee manual or staff handbook, is a book given to employees by an employer. Usually, the employee handbook contains information about company policies and procedures. * Policy documents is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent, and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. Policies are generally adopted by the Board of or senior governance body within an organization whereas procedures or protocols would be developed and adopted by senior executive officers. * Terms and conditions -Terms and conditions of employment are the elements of a contract which help to define the relation between an employerà and an employee * Job description A broad, general, and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis. It generally includes duties, purpose, responsibilities, scope, and working conditions of a job along with the jobs title, and the name or designation of the person to whom the employee reports. Job description usually forms the basis of job specification.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Motivations for Travel and Tourism
Motivations for Travel and Tourism Tourist motivations are the factors to make people wishing to go travel. They want to have personal fulfilment (Coltman, 1989). Crompton (cited in Van Harssel, 1994) discovered that most responders also thought that travel is like a rest and relaxation from routine. However, it did not represent changing their way of lives, people just continue to do the similar things but in a distinct surroundings and physical context. He also indicated that travel can provide for self-exploration, excitement or social interaction. They are the reasons why people travel around the world. Tourists would not learn all the things by their routines or from television and books. It is better for them to get experiences by themselves, because of unedited by anyone else. Afterwards travel can make a marked difference with routines, and it will provide exciting, uncommon or strange things to tourist. Furthermore, the high-tech world increases social lives. For example, people will go to the movies, shoppin g malls or concerts with friends and colleagues. Different gender, age, social class, retirement, unemployment, social relationships, characters and socialization can affect the decision-making of tourism (Argyle, 1996). Wahab (1975 cited in Burns, 1999) established several travel purposes, they include business tourism, health tourism, cultural tourism, sport tourism and recreational tourism. It can be easy to understand that what people generally travel for. The major reasons of travel are freedom and entertainment which can be defined as pleasure travel (Argyle, 1996). Tourists expect and believe that going on a vacation can partly or fully different needs and wants (Mill and Morrison, 2002). Ryan (1991 cited in Burns, 1999) stated some types of motivation and they are determinants of people who go travelling. Tourist motivations include escape, relaxation, strengthening family togetherness, wish and self-fulfilment, prestige, shopping, social interaction and sexual opportunity. In addition, tourists are also motivated to travel by other factors. For instant, television can attract people to travel in new destinations and experience different cultures (Van Harssel, 1994). Tourists hope to experience various cultures and meet new people over the world because of the curiosity. It is the primary motivation of all visitors (Hudman and Hawkins, 1989). Credit cards are getting common among the world, so it is convenient for tourists to travel around without cash or just with a little cash. Basically, they tend to pay for the accommodation and recreation by credit cards. Additionally, well-educated can increase and stimulate people to go on a vacations, because education excite the curiosity of people. They hope to widen and enrich knowledge as well (Van Harssel, 1994). The most famous theory to describe motivation is Maslows needs hierarchy. Maslow used hierarchy to illustrate human needs as stimulators. There are 5 level hierarchy, including self-actualization, esteem, belonging, security and physiological needs. Subsequently, he added cognitive and aesthetic needs. However, it is not very clear to show that how these two needs fit into the former hierarchy. Human will not be motivated if the lowest needs, which is physiological needs, are satisfied. Next, they will be motivated by following needs, the security needs. Different needs are satisfied such and such (Ross, 1994). However, Page, 2003 argued that Maslow hierarchy model is not faultless, because people do not satisfy their needs hierarchically. Besides, some needs probably emerge at the same time. Nevertheless, the hierarchy model really highlights individual development needs. It also describes that human exert themselves for personal growth. In order to explain the motivations further ( Nickerson, 1996), many scholars have developed Maslows work since 1950s. Thus, the needs of people to go travelling can be considered from push and pull factors as well (Lundberg, 1990). Epperson (1983, cited in Lundberg, 1990) indicated that push factors are much more about internal, the personal desires. They motivate people to seek and go on a vacation (Page 2003). They are intended to satisfy different psychological needs (Dann, 1977 cited in Mill and Morrison, 2002). Epperson listed six push motives, such as, escape, self-discovery, relaxation, prestige, challenge and adventure. The push factors of Mainland Chinese tourists are erudition, fame, and having good personal relationship. Therefore, they travel in Hong Kong because of friendly, modern and convenient place for shopping and vacation (Liu et al, 2008). In contrast, pull factors are external elements to the people. They act like stimulators attracting people to travel, such as, advertisement of resorts (Page 2003). It is about the advantages of the certain destinations. They are stunning views, historical places, cultural and sporting events (Liu et al, 2008). Participating or watching sports also motivated people to travel (Hudman and Hawkins, 1989). Accessibility, high-tech impression and consumption are the important pull factors of Mainland Chinese. For these reasons Hong Kong is very successful in fashion retail, so it attracts plenty of Mainland Chinese tourists (Liu et al, 2008). Finding out the importance of push and pull factors, it needs the five main market segments. They are lone tourists, families, couples, friends, and tour groups. For example, escape element is mutually related to lone tourists and couples, these tourists less prefer togetherness. By contrast, Prestige is very important for people who travelling with friends, families and tour groups (Jamrozy, 1992 cited in Mill and Morrison, 2002). Normally, some destinations have been successful in tourism industry, because they understand the tourist motivation very well. They know how to attract tourist visiting their places (Page, 2003). Certainly, overarching tourists are in the world (Burns, 1999). Stanley Plog announced a famous model of tourist type. It is for classify people into psychographic and allocentrics by visitor characteristic. Psychometrics tourists travel purpose is relaxation, so they prefer to do the general activities in familiar destinations. The journey is prearranged. Besides, they do not want any foreign environment or atmosphere. On the other hand, allocentrics people are extroverted, self-confident and willing to meet new people. They are also curious about new experiences, so they generally travel in undeveloped destinations. The schedule is expected to arrange by themselves rather than travel agencies. Thus, it will be more flexible and unrestrained (Nikerson, 1996). Nevertheless, there are some p eople who do not desire to go travelling, because they think that it is safer or more comfortable to stay in their hometowns. However, if people like travelling, the motivations can be divided into two determinants, they are related to destination and non-related to destination. Travel for business, education, health, religion and visiting friends and relatives provide a few or no choices of going other destinations for instead (Coltman, 1989). Many tourists from Taiwan, the United States and South and Southeast Asia travel in Hong Kong for business. It can show that Hong Kong is an evident and important business hub (Kwong, 1997). People travel abroad because of religion as well, such as pilgrimages, going to historical places, religious bases or religious activities. The most important motivation of travelling among this kind of tourists is visiting the bases. For example, Jews go to Israel. Additionally, visiting historical places and attending religious musical and dramas are pr opagating the certain faith. These activities can make the tourists adhering to a faith (Hudman and Hawkins, 1989). One of a good example is people travelling for visiting friends and relatives. It is often more important than visiting destinations (Coltman, 1989). In addition, tourists visit their hometown is one of the big motivator (Hudman and Hawkins, 1989). Travel is related to destinations, the motives can be full of curiosity about other culture, detonations, local people and politics (Coltman, 1989). Hall and Page, 2002 stated that all tourism researchers also have a consistent question, why tourists travel. It is a very important to know because everyone also has their own reason. Most people can select regions they like to travel to. For hosts, understanding travel motivations can target potential tourists, serve them and satisfy their needs and wants (Mill and Morrison, 2002). There are various tourism demands around the world. Some countries have always been a popular tr avel destination, and others are still in development. Every countries and regions also have their own charisma to attract tourists to travel there (Swarbrooke Horner, 2004). People probably have many reasons to travel in a destination, They even prefer to choose a holiday type (Burns, 1999). It is about motivation which is essential part of consumer behaviour in tourism industry, because motivation is strong related to psychological wishes and needs (Page and Connell, 2006). It is very useful to use motivations and behaviour to classify tourists (Nickerson, 1996). Tourists will choose a destination because of the friendly local people or relaxing environment. The place is always wanted to visit, or some friends suggest the place highly, or the weather is great all the time and the scenery is attractive. Other ordinary factors will be concerned before people plan to go on a trip, such as, recreation, level of interest in history and culture of the place, shopping places, beautiful landscape, hygiene of the destination, ideal weather and cost (Lundberg, 1990 and Holloway, 2002). For instance, the travel purpose of the visitors from Europe, the Middle East and Africa is recreation. The shopping facilities and special features attract them to travel in Hon g Kong (Kwong, 1997). Actually, motivation is also about different behaviour of everyone (Argyle, 1996). The people, who like to travel around, are also divided into two categories. Some of them prefer having quite journey (Lundberg, 1990). Those people want to get away from the workplace since they always have a stressful lifestyle. They prefer to go to a new place for relaxing and forgetting all pressures (Holloway, 2002). On the contrary, others wish to seek adventure (Lundberg, 1990), but it does not mean standing same pace of workday life. This kind of tourists motivation can be defined as getting away from instead of going towards somebody and something. Going away everyday environment is more important than the interest of visiting new people and regions. (Krippendorf, 2002). It is also important to look at surface factors for understanding the travel reasons of tourists (Nickerson, 1996). McIntosh and Goeldner (1990, cited in Nickerson, 1996) stated that there were 4 kinds of motivators for basic travel. They included status and prestige, physical, interpersonal and cultural motivators. Firstly, status and prestige motivators are about the need for fame. Besides, people think that travel can secure admiration and recognition among their peers and friends. Secondly, physical motivators concern with health. Tourists may participate in sports event and take some recreation, and these actions are the motivators of keeping ones health. Getting treatment, medical care and attending weight loss camp are related to remedial health motivators. Next, people want to make new friends, leave or visit friends and family, they are also defined as interpersonal motivators. Lastly, cultural motivators describe tourists have ardent curiosity and want to experience other cultures and lifestyle (Nickerson, 1996). Facilitators are also very important for tourists, such as, disposable income, low local currency rate, conveniently accessible places, friendly locals and easy entry requirement. They all can stimulate tourists to visit certain destinations (Holloway, 2002). However, some people are not able to choose their favourite travel destination due to the limited money and time (Argyle, 1996). They usually compare with different destinations which is the most reasonable price to travel. Then, they choose the most appealing places among those destinations. (Coltman, 1989). It is also important to understand the process about what tourists consume for travel experiences which is included costs of time and money (Page, 2003). Consumer behaviour is the process of the people to make decisions when facing various products. They concern about selecting, buying, using and estimating the products which can be invisible and visible (Reisinger, 2009). The main point to understand motivation is more about what products tourists buy. Customers buy the products and services which based on the capacity to satisfy their needs and wants (Page and Connell, 2006). Many authors also connect tourism with consumption together (Greenwood, 1989; Burns and Holden, 1995 and Ritzer, 1998 cited in Burns, 1999). MacCannell (1976 cited in Burns, 1999) indicated that spend not only on recreation and tangible goods, but also on the local cultures that the countries they travel to. There are various kinds of tourists in the world. They can be categorised by demographic, social, economic, cultural, geographic, psychographic and behavioural. Every kind of tourist also has various needs, behaviour and favourites (Reisinger, 2009). It is usually defined as overnight and same day visitors, such as excursionists. Obviously, excursionists will not seek any accommodation, but they still need to use other transportation and infrastructure (Burns, 1999). Two exactly the same people cannot be found. Additionally, different expectation and viewpoints also can affect decision-making of travel destinations (Page, 2003). Mill and Morrison, 2002 indicated that if children can have opportunity in holiday decision making process, it can further the possibility of the children who are satisfied the holiday choice. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can figure tourist motives out (Pearce, 1993 cited in Page, 2003). Intrinsic motivation is about individual needs to encourage themse lves going travel. For example, tourists travel for self-improvement or self-realization. It can make them to have happiness, fulfilment and ego-enhancement. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is about surrounding factors which affect tourists attitudes, perceptions and preferences. For example, the tourism in the former Soviet Union, people sent labourers going on a vacation. Then, they would be refreshed and put in more efforts to work (Page, 2003). Erik Cohen announced a very famous tourism typology. He indicated that each kind of tourists interact with different destinations. It also can describe tourists behaviours and extent motivations. He separated into four types of tourists, such as, organised mass tourist, individual mass tourist, explorer and drifter. Organised and individual mass tourists keep staying in the environmental bubble, because people avoid have any unhappy affairs. Thus, they are less in touch with locals. They will arrange their trips as earlier as poss ible. In contrast, explorer and drifter prefer to understand deeply local culture and interact with locals. They will not remain in the environmental bubble (Burns, 1999). Tourism is the only way that it can let people to get away from daily routine temporarily and spend some holidays in one or more travel destinations. A journey can be changed and planned according to ones preference (Leiper, 1990 cited in Page, 2003). Travel for shopping Why do people go shopping? Mowen, 1995 stated that shopping motivation is from wish, drive or urge. People will go and shop when they are in need of something. In addition, there are a lot of shopping motivations during trips, such as low currency rate and bargain prices. Tourists also buy gifts as souvenirs of travel destinations or for steadying the relationship with people (Tasci et al, 2010). However, some people like shopping because they enjoy the purchasing process, rather than the products (Vipul and Mahendra 2009). They probably just want to escape from workday and experience other cultures (Tasci et al, 2010). Nowadays, shopping becomes an important part in the tourism industry. It is even a main part of a journey (Holloway, 2002). Shopping in Hong Kong is the main activity for tourists (Kwong, 1997). For example, tourists shopping spending makes a powerful impact on Hong Kong local economy. It is still the main spending among all spending categories until 2009. The total expenditure of shopping on overnight and same-day in-town visitors were HK$82.12 billion, it was around US$10.5 (Census and Statistics Department, 2010). Moreover, Mainland Chinese tourists become the highest consumers within all markets in Hong Kong. They spend a good deal of their money on shopping (Wong et al, 2002). When certain of seasons, weeks or months are bargain sales in some countries, plenty of visitors will travel to those places (Holloway, 2002). For example, the beginning of January and July usually are the bargain sales period of most shops in Japan (Japan National Tourism Organization, 2011). In addition, innovative and well-designed shopping malls and department stores are becoming an attraction of leisure activity. These comfortable environments can attract massive tourists to spend in there and enjoy the facilities by themselves (Holloway, 2002). Travel for business Business Tourism is about people who go travelling for their work as the main purpose. Business travel is one of a most ancient tourism types. The famous one is silk road which was the main connecting route of trading silk from Asia to Europe. Today, businessmen have to travel around the world frequently due to many purposes. They have to present at the meeting, conferences, training courses, exhibitions and trade shows. The trip is significant for them because it concerns about the companies whether can be able to survive in the marketplace (Swarbrooke and Horner, 2004). The motivation of the business tourism is closely related to the companies. For this reason, they usually do not care about the cost of the trip, such as, air tickets prices. They prefer the best business deal to the negligible cost. Moreover, business tourists always consider the most convenient and fastest way to arrive the destinations, so the trustworthy and frequent transportation is very important for them. It is not only flights, but also boats and trains. Then, business tourists can finish missions on time (Holloway, 2002). Page and Connell, 2006 also states that the employees will be reward for good performance if they succeed during the trip. China business travel spent USD$140.9 billion in 2010, it was increase 16.3% in comparison with 2009. According to the current development in China, the figure was just what the country expected. More and more overseas companies also want to negotiate the business with China, because Chinese market is getting a big influence in the world. Therefore, business travel is an important activity (Global Business Travel Association, 2011). Holloway, 2002 indicated that business tourists need to plan their journeys on the weekdays, because they hope to spend much time with their families at the weekends. It is fair enough since they are always ready whenever for the trip, even at night. They probably have a trip at short notice. The time of staying at home is getting less. In addition, business tourists have to face a lot of unexpected events, such as, delayed flights or traffic jams. They may be lonely and worried. It can be quite stressful for them (Lundberg, 1990). Therefore, some businessmen like to take their partner to the journey. They can make good use of the extra time to have a short pleasure trip. In some cases assistant is needed too if the trip is included leisure time. Owing to travel frequently, some business tourists prefer particular airlines and take advantages of the frequent flyer programmes. Further, the trip cost is usually paid by the company. Thus, they do not select direct and the cheapest itine rary for making sure to be awarded as many miles as they can (Holloway, 2002). Travel for visiting friends and relatives Visiting friends and families also has a history. This type of tourism trend has been pandemic from sixteenth century (Girouard, 1978). There are plenty of people migrants around the world. This permanent immigration can develop a tourism trend, visiting friends and relatives. It can provide a demand of tourism in those countries (Page and Connell, 2006). It is a good example in Guangdong Province, plenty of this kind of tourists over there. According to the history, Hong Kong was once part of Guangdong district. Thus, most ancestral homes of the residents are Guangdong. Owing to this special origin, a lot of Guangdong residents mostly have relatives and friends in Hong Kong nowadays (Tsui, 2004). Besides, there were above tens of thousands Hong Kong people migrated to overseas during 1980s to 1990s. The hot countries were The United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. However, the relatives and friends of the migrants were still in Hong Kong. Both of them had to be separated for a long time and they would look forward to seeing each other. Therefore, friends and relatives would travel in those countries for visiting the migrants. (Buckley, 1997). In addition, nowadays people go and join the wedding party which is also defined as visiting friends and relatives, it is not just in an earlier stage. The transportations are becoming well developed, people can travel in other countries easily (Swarbrooke Horner, 2004). Travel for experiencing other cultures Every country also has their own local culture. There are 12 cultural elements mainly, they are handicrafts, language, traditions, gastronomy, art and music, history, local work, architecture, religion educational system, dress and leisure activities. All of them can enable tourists to experience more about the local culture of the travel destinations (Mathieson and Wall, 1982). It is usually the main reason of a visitor travelling in a country (McKercher duCriss, 2003). Tourists can have a good opportunity to deeply understand the local culture through the. For example, they can go to heritage attractions, try the local food and attend the local festival celebration during the journey (Swarbrooke Horner, 2004). There is a Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong annually. This festival represents togetherness and harmony of each family and people eat moon-cakes with their families together (Yip, 2008). Even though it is also a Chinese Festival, Hong Kong has new ranges and varieties of mo on-cakes (Tse, 2007). On the other hand, some tourists prefer to visit in a place which has similar cultural background. Tourists can communicate with the hosts easily because the language is slightly different or no discrepancy. (Reisinger, 2009). For example, Mainland Chinese frequently go travelling in Hong Kong. The cultural distance between this kind of visitors and the hosts is little or even there is not (Law et al, 2008). Currency rate This is a significant part in tourism industry. It deeply concerns about the customers consumption. Tourists will be willing to travel in that place and they will spend more if the exchange rate is low (Tribe, 2005). People will choose foreign countries if the currency rate is optimal (Greenwood, 2007). Exchange rate is big influence to the tourism industry since the total cost of the trip. It is the main factor of tourist behaviour. Tourists will decide the travel destinations, length of stay, the amount of spending, the frequency of travel time and the travel style because of the exchange rate. For example, people will stay in hostel instead of hotel if the currency rate is high. Some tourists will even change to other travel destinations where are low currency rate (Crouch, 1994). It is a big impact of short haul tourists especially, because this kind of tourists has sudden whims to go travelling. As usual, they compare prices in host countries to their hometown (Greenwood, 2007). Moreover, tourists of group tour also will think that the cost of the trip increases when they are surcharged by the travel agency. When the currency rate is in an unfavourable situation, most tourists will also believe that all tourism products are expensive. They will keep reining on their spending (Swarbrooke Horner, 2004). However, it is relatively weak influence on business travellers because they prefer to strike bargains rather than the cost of the travel way. For example, Even though the air ticket and hotel cost are increase, they will still continue their journeys (Crouch, 1994). Greenwood, 2007 indicated that exchange rate also affect less in long haul tourists. Normally, the tourists plan their journeys beforehand. Thus, they usually less concern the currency rate and continue to visit selected travel destinations. Government involvement Governments contribute greatly to the tourism industry through financial support, they will initiate a lot of new projects which are planning and helping for the tourism. They need to manage and dominate the related component parts as all cost a very large amount to develop (Holloway, 2002). They act a main role in tourism industry. They can be a big help in tourism development (Lundberg, 1990). For example, Istanbul is developed to be a main shopping destination in comparison with neighbouring countries. The biggest and oldest shopping mall in the world is also located in this city. The government will hold a forty day long shopping festival from 18th March to 26th April this year. They also bring many benefits to the visitors. Tourists can enjoy tax free shopping and get discounts on various products. Moreover, a brand new car will be awarded as the big prize everyday within the event (BI-ME staff, 2011). Promoting the tourism at overseas and home is necessary, because a good adver tising of the vacation spot can attract many tourists to travel there (Holloway, 2002). For instance, the responsibility of Hong Kong Tourists Association is promoting tourism industry for booming the economy in Hong Kong. It advertises Hong Kong tourism is a fusion of the Orient and the Occident, or traditions and modernism. These themes have been mentioned in a lot of booklets and tour guides (Cheung, 1999). Choi et al, 2008 stated that Hong Kong also has other favourable conditions, such as, advantage in geography, safety, convenient to travel and live and special benefits to Mainland Chinese tourists. The countries, which target tourism revenue as their primary national income, always have tourism development scheme. It is included what new manmade attractions should be built, and attracting more tourists come and spend in the country. However, then they can hurt the industry at the same time. The national leadership can produce wide influence in tourism. They will agitate local to be discrimination or ardour in visitors (Lundberg, 1990). According to the above literature, there are various travel motivations which have reviewed. Satisfying psychological needs is the main reason. Shopping, business travel and cultural travel are the general travel types of Mainland Chinese tourists visiting Hong Kong. However, everyone also has different behaviour and two same people do not exist. Therefore, two research questions should be included: is it only pull factors to make more and more Mainland Chinese tourists visiting Hong Kong? Secondly, what profile of Mainland Chinese tourists travelling in Hong Kong mainly?
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Goegraphy of Dominica :: Essays Papers
Goegraphy The geography of Dominica is quite unique. It is an island fortress unlike any other island in the Caribbean, and is the largest and most mountainous of the Windward Islands. The island was created by volcanic activity, and still today shows signs of active volcanic activity. Its steep mountains prevented colonists from completely taking over and have made the island a prime destination for Eco-tourists. The island contains over 3,000 peaks, the tallest of which are Morne Diablotin (4,747 ft) and Morne Trois Pitons (4,600ft). ( The island itself is located between the French islands of Guadeloupe to the north and Martinique to the south. It is 29 miles long and 16 miles wide, and covers 290 square miles. Its exact location is approximately 15 degrees North and 61 degrees West ( The island of Dominica is home to the only surviving population of Carib Indians. This was only possible because of Dominicaââ¬â¢s treacherous mountains. Early European colonist were not able to drive out or kill all the natives as they had done on other islands. The Caribs now live in the ââ¬Å"Carib Territoryâ⬠, a 3700-acre reservation on the northeast coast, which was given to them in 1903. The reservation has a chief and is home to between 300 ââ¬â 3000 Caribs (the exact number of Caribs is hard to determine because without detail genealogy records it hard to prove or disprove that someone actually is a Carib). ( The recent boom in eco-tourism has made Dominica one of the premiere tourist destinations both in the Caribbean and in the world. In recent years Dominica has designated more national parks, forests and marine reserves per capita than nearly anywhere else in the world. Dominicaââ¬â¢s largest national park is the Morne Trois Pitons National Park. It covers 17,000 acres (9% of the island), and is home to the worldââ¬â¢s largest boiling lake. The lake is 70 yards across with an unknown depth and the lake is situated over a massive volcanic sulfur vent, which keeps the water temperature between 180 ââ¬â 197 degrees Fahrenheit. The park is also home to several waterfalls over 100 feet tall. The average temperature range is between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Average rainfall varies between 50 inches on coastal areas, and 300 inches with in the interior. The driest months are from January to June, and hurricane season which is usually between July and early October.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Compare Shopping Online with Traditional Shopping Essay
Traditional shopping is going directly to the physical stores and purchasing the items whereas online shopping is purchasing the items from merchants who sell on the Internet. Since the emergence of the World Wide Web, merchants have sought to sell their products to people who surf the Internet. Online Shopping is widely perceived as a cheaper and easier way of finding lower prices and bargains in most sectors. However, both online and traditional shopping media are synergy to one another and yet still have several similarities and differences. Shopping online gives the user the opportunity to search for the product they want through endless avenues. Shopping online could be a great option because it can be time effective especially for those who have a busy life style or are just too lazy to get up to go to the store. The world of online shopping can make it easier to price shop. Instead of having to drive from store to store looking at prices only to find that, the best price was at the first store, you could simply switch from window to window on your computer. Also with online shopping, you can have items delivered right to your door. In addition, there is always the possibility of having to pay shipping costs when shopping online. Many online stores that will ship within a certain area free but many times if you are located outside of the city or area you will need to pay immense shipping prices. Companies have been trying to improve this negative aspect of online shopping by making deals like ââ¬Å"spend over $200.00 and get free shippingâ⬠, but not all sites offer these deals. Security is another concern when it comes to online shopping. With online shopping, there is no way for you to know if someone is stealing your data. You do not even know if you will actually get the items, you purchase. This renders online shopping a bit more unsecure. By shopping in a traditional store, you can avoid shipping costs because you can simply take your items home with you after you purchase them. Customers can purchase the products directly by making selections by watching, touching, smelling, tasting, etc. They are near and easily available to the customers. Therefore, they can get the items immediately. Customers can get numerous options to purchase anything at lower prices at any time. There is less confusion, because the customer shops directly from physical stores. Customers can save money by getting the products at lower prices and by getting discounts from local storeowners. Generally, storeowners give excellent discounts for regular customers. Shoppers can also compare prices in different stores so that he or she can purchase an item at a lower cost and with good quality. Shoppers can also visit many stores, so he or she has several choices to store in different stores. If the shopper is not satisfied with products in one store then he can move to another store and purchase. Traditional shopping can be a recreational activity and it can be exercise for shoppers. It is easy to return the product, if the customer gets the incorrect product or a damaged product. There is no worry about security, such as fraud and lack of privacy in online shopping. Online shopping has grown to new heights over the last decade and shows no signs of regressing. The internet has brought practically every store in the world to the fingertips of anyone with internet access. Online shopping has grown so large that many companies are not investing in buildings and mall space, but rather in online websites and web advertising. Traditional shopping does have its positives, in terms of reliability and safety. Though online shopping is a global phenomenon, traditional shopping will not evaporate any time soon. In concluding, it is important, as an individual, to research whether online shopping or traditional shopping is effective for you, as both have its own hindrances. Source: Amy, Nutt (2009). Traditional Vs Online Shopping. Retrieved November 28, 2012 from Darrell, Rigby (2011). The Future of Shopping. Retrieved November 28,2012 from
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